직 종 | 직 급 | 성 명 | 비 고 | 직 종 | 직 급 | 성 명 | 비 고 |
의사직(위장관) | 교수 | 정호영 | 의사직 | 조교수 | 임경훈 | 외상센터 | |
부교수 | 이승수 | 임상교수 | 조성훈 | 외상센터 | |||
의사직(간담췌) | 부교수 | 한영석 | 의사직 | 전공의 | 강수진 | 3년차 | |
조교수 | 권형준 | 전공의 | 강현재 | 3년차 | |||
임상교수 | 한자령 | 전공의 | 구태완 | 3년차 | |||
의사직(소아) | 교수 | 박진영 | 전공의 | 김건우 | 3년차 | ||
의사직(대장항문) | 부교수 | 박수연 | 겸무 | 전공의 | 박준현 | 3년차 | |
부교수 | 김혜진 | 겸무 | 전공의 | 서정언 | 3년차 | ||
조교수 | 송승호 | 전공의 | 정지현 | 3년차 | |||
의사직(이식혈관) | 교수 | 허승 | 전공의 | 황수영 | 3년차 | ||
부교수 | 윤우성 | 전공의 | 김은지 | 2년차 | |||
조교수 | 황덕비 | 전공의 | 김한나 | 2년차 | |||
임상강사 | 김영혜 | 전공의 | 위석현 | 2년차 | |||
임상강사 | 김현주 | 전공의 | 추교영 | 2년차(칠곡) | |||
임상강사 | 박수현 | 겸무 | 전공의 | 권호연 | 1년차 | ||
의사직(유방갑상선) | 진료교수 | 임양수 | 전공의 | 윤하경 | 1년차(칠곡) |
가. 분과업적 요약
- 2019년11월 최초 보고 후 지금까지 지속되는 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 여파로 사회 전반이 많은 어려움을 겪고 있다. 대면 모임을 꺼리는 사회 전반적 분위기와 더불어 병원 기피현상이 여전하며, 의료계 내에서도 대면 학술행사를 기피하는 현상이 뚜렷했다. 이런 어려움에도 불구하고 경북대학교병원 위장관외과는 2022년 한해 꾸준히 환자진료, 학생교육 및 의학연구의 활동을 지속해왔다. 그 와중에, 철저한 개인위생과 방역에도 불구하고, 코로나바이러스 노출과 관련해 의료진이 격리되는 어려움을 겪기도 했다. 최소한의 대면접촉이 강조되는 코로나 시대를 사는 지금, 진료의 간소화 및 집약화가 절실하며, 이를 위해 여러 과와의 협업을 바탕으로 한 위암환자 다학제진료를 활성화하여 운영하고 있다.
- 경북대학교병원 간담췌외과는 간 및 담도 췌장의 양성 및 악성질환을 대상으로 간담췌 분야의 특성화된 외과적 진료, 연구 및 교육을 시행하고 있다. 2022년에는 간담췌의 양성 및 악성 종양을 대상으로 330례의 수술을 시행하였다.
- 최근 출산율의 감소와 코로나로 인해 전국적으로 소아외과 환자들의 감소가 뚜렷한 상황에서 박진영 교수는 경북대학교병원과 칠곡경북대병원 어린이병원을 혼자 책임지고 있다. 2022년 한 해 동안 총 344건의 외과 수술을 시행하면서도 외과장, 외과주임교수, 학생부학장, 외과 및 소아외과학회 이사 등 다양한 보직과 학회활동을 하면서 학교, 병원 및 학회에서 중요한 역할을 담당하였다.
- 2022년 09월 01일부터 송승호 조교수가 신규 임용되어 근무를 시작하였다. 8개의 대장암, 10개의 염증성 장질환 수술을 포함하여 65개의 수술을 시행하였다. 대장암 다학제 진료를 시작하여 환자에게 보다 나은 진료를 제공하고자 노력하고 있다.
- 2020년 만연했던 코로나 판데믹이 어느정도 잠잠해지면서 사회전반의 물리적 단절 또한, 완화되는 한 해였다. 온라인으로 개최되었던 국내외 학회 대부분은 오프라인으로 전환되었다. 수술과 외래 환자 모두 감소하는 추세를 보였으나, 고령 인구의 증가와 진단 기술의 발전함에 따라 혈관질환 환자 수는 증가하는 경향을 고려할 때 이는 일시적인 현상일 것으로 생각된다. 2022년에는 수도권을 제외한 지방 최초로 신장이식 1500례를 달성하였다. 혈관검사실의 혈관초음파 및 혈류검사의 처방건수는 총 3874례로 외래/수술환자 감소와 함께 전년대비 감소한 양상 보였다. 양적/질적 성장을 위한 초음파장비 및 검사실 등 기반시설의 확충 계획의 일환으로 수술실 초음파의 교체와 검사실 새초음파장비 구입을 승인 받았다. 기반시설은 확보한 상태이나 검사실 확장 및 인력의 충원이 필요한 상황이다. 허승 교수는 혈관외과의 입지를 견고히 다지고 여러 국내외 학회를 성공적으로 개최하며 대한혈관외과학회 이사장의 임기를 마쳤다. 올해 3명의 임상강사들이 합류하였고 칠곡과 본원을 순환근무하며 임상진료, 학술활동과 수술연마에 매진하는 동시에, 전공의 감소에 따른 외과 당직체계 지탱에도 힘써오고 있다. 칠곡병원과의 지속적인 상호보완적 관계를 이어가며 세계일류 혈관센터로 거듭나기 위한 도약을 꾀해야 하겠다.
- 유방갑상선외과에서는 암 수술, 양성 유방 및 갑상선, 림프절 수술을 꾸준히 해오고 있다. 초음파 및 초음파 유도하 조직검사를 포함한 유방-갑상선 분야의 진료에 최선을 다하고 있다.
나. 인사변동사항
날짜 | 성명 | 내용 |
2022.5.17. | 한자령 | 경북대학교병원 간담췌외과 임상교수 퇴사 |
2022.7.20. | 한영석 | 경북대학교 의과대학 부교수 의원면직 |
2022.9.8. | 권형준 | 경북대학교병원 간담췌외과 전보 |
각종현황 및 통계
가. 외래환자 통계현황
구분 | 초진 | 재진 | 비고 | ||
2022년 | 2021년 | 2022년 | 2021년 | ||
외과 | 704 | 1,083 | 6,486 | 9,051 | |
대장항문소아외과 | 612 | 692 | 3,177 | 2,653 | |
유방갑상선외과 | 439 | 486 | 3,538 | 3,242 | |
이식혈관외과 | 1,263 | 1,485 | 7,751 | 7,271 |
나. 입원환자 통계 현황
구분 | 실인원 | 연인원 | 비고 |
외과 | 698 | 6,464 | |
대장항문소아외과 | 500 | 3,201 | |
유방갑상선외과 | 197 | 1,115 | |
이식혈관외과 | 744 | 5,553 |
다. 수술통계
Disease Operation Total Neoplasms Stomach (open: lap = 0.58:1) Malignancy: Distal gastrectomy (open/lapa) 47 (17/30) Malignancy: Totel gastrectomy (open/lapa) 11 (9/2) Malignency: Others (open/lapa) 1 (1/0) Submucosal tumor: Wedge resection (oper/ep) 19 (1/18) Submucosal tumor: Distal gestrectomy (oper/lap) 1 (1/0) Small bowel Small bowel segmental resection 3 Excision 1 Omentum Excision 1 Total 84 Peptic ulcer disease Primary closure + Bypass 7 Bypass 1 Resection 1 Total 9 Others Appendectomy 20 Small bowel segmental resection 6 Feeding jejuncatomy 4 Reduction of internal hemia 2 Adhesiolysis 2 Wound closure 2 PEG site fistula closure 2 Others 2 Total 43 Total 136 -
Section OPERATION Total 소아(208) Inguinal hernia & hydrocele 81 Acute appendicitis 37 Anorectal malformation 10 Ovary teratoma 7 Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 5 Intussusception 5 CAPD cetheter insertion & removal 5 Esophageal atresia with TEF 3 Congenital megacolon 3 Intestinal atresia or stenosis 3 Necrotizing enterocolitio 3 Anel fistula 2 Foreign body ingestion 2 Choledochel cyst 1 Others 35 성인(136) Inguinal hernia 74 Acute appendicitis 19 Epigestric hernia 6 Umbilical hernia 5 Femoral hernia 3 Incisional hernia 2 Others 27 Total 344 -
Disease, Procedure Total Colorectal cancer 8 Laparoscopic 5 Open 3 Benign, colectomy 12 Laparoscopic 5 Open 7 Ileostomy or colostomy creation / closure 20 / 5 Benign anal disesse 12 Appendiceal mucocele 6 Appendicitis 6 Small bowel disease 7 Others 9 Total 85 -
질환별 분류
Section Disease Total Cerebrovascular disease Carotid stenosis 58 Aneurysmal disease Abdominal aortic aneurysm 46 Other aneurysmal disease 11 Arterial occlusive disease Peripheral disease 117 Visceral disease 4 Venous disease Thrombosis in extremity 14 Thrombosis in visceral vein 1 Varicose vein 12 Lymphatic disease Lymphedema or lymphangitis 13 Vascular malformation Congenital or acquired 0 Vasculitis Buerger disease/Takayasu arteritis 5 Chronic kidney disease Transplantation 72 Vascular access 619 CAPD 17 Perm cain 8 Vascular Trauma Trauma in abdomino-pelvis 3 Trauma in extremity 11 Other vascular disease Other vascular disease 128 Total 1137 -
수술별 분류
Section Oberaton Total Carotid stenosis Conventional carotid endarterectomy 54 Eversion 3 Abdominal aortic aneurysm Open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair 15 Endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) 25 Other aneurysm Aneurysm repair 9 Embolzation 0 Open revascularzation Bypass. Aorto-Aorto 0 Bypass. Aorto-bifemoral 4 Bypass. lio-femoral 0 Bypass. Femoro-femoral 8 Bypass. Femoro-popliteal 4 Bypass. Femoro-infrapopliteal 14 Bypass. others 12 Patch angioplasty + Endarterectomy 22 Thrombedtomy 54 Endovascular revasculerization Aortoiliac 41 Femoropopliteal 36 Below the Knee 29 Deep vein thrombcais Thrombolys ‡ Thrombectomy Aspiration) 3 Percutaneous angioplasty or stent insertion 4 IVC flter insertion or removal 12 Varicose vein High ligation and stripping 10 Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) 4 Mechanochemical endovenous ablation (MOCA) 0 Chronic kidney disease Transplantation 70 Vascular access creation 241 Vascular access revision 379 CAPD catheter insertion or removal 29 Perm catheter insertion or removal 9 Nephrectory 22 Vascular Trauma surgical treatment 23 Endovascular treatment 1 Lymphatic disease CLND 13 Other vascular surgery Other vascular surgery 145 Total 1295
질환별 분류
Section Operation Total Breast Breast cancer Mastectomy 16 Breast conserving surgery 16 Total 32 Benign breast disease Vacuum-Assisted Breast Biopsy (Bexcore) 59 Mass excision 34 Total 93 Total 93 Thyroid Thyroid cancer Total thyroidectomy 29 Lobectomy 274 mRND 4 Total 60 Benign thyroid disease 8 Total 68 Parathyroid 1 Others Sentinel LN Biopsy Melanoma 8 Breast cancer/DCIS 2 Total 10 Axillary LN Biopsy 2 Others 24 Total 36 Total 230
가. 논문 및 저서
제목 | 저자 | 학회지 |
Double tract reconstruction versus double flap technique:short-termclinicaloutcomesafterlaparoscopic proximalgastrectomyforearlygastriccancer | Yu B, Park KB, Park JY, Lee SS, Kwon OK, Chung HY, Hwang YJ | Surg Endosc |
What makes acute cholecystitis recur after removing the percutaneous cholecystostomy tube? | Heo J, Jung MK, Cho CM, Lee SY, Ryeom HK, Chun JM, Han YS, Kwon HJ | Medicin |
Development, validation, and comparison of a nomogram based on radiologic findings for predicting malignancy in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas: An international multicenter study | HS Kim, WK Song, WH Choo, SY Lee, YM Han, SC Kim, KB Song, DW Choi, SH Choi, JS Heo, WJ Lee, CM Kang, HS Han, YS Yoon, SG Kim Goro Honda, YM Yang, HC Yu, JD Yang, JC Chung, HI Seo, YS Lee, HB Kim, WI Kwon, TS Park, JY Jang. | J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci |
Various type of reconstruction after pancreaticoduodenectomy for the patients who underwent all types of gastrectomy: a single-center experience | Jeon HJ, Kwon HJ, Kim SG, Hwang YJ | Ann Surg Treat Res |
Two cases of extramedullary plasmacytoma of the small intestine presenting with ileus: A case report | Park KB, Kwon HJ, Jeong JY, Baek DW, Cho SH, Seo AN | Medicine |
Unfavorable effect of high postoperative fluid balance on outcome of pancreaticoduodenectomy | Jeon HJ, Kwon HJ, Kim SG, Hwang YJ | Ann Surg Treat Res |
Utilization of end to side inverted mattress pancreaticojejunostomy for Duval procedure: A case report | Jeon HJ, Kim SG | Ann Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg |
Factors associated with prolonged viral detection in asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection | Lee YH, Hong CM, Lee TH, Hwang YJ, Kim DH, Lee J | J Infect Dev Ctries |
Lymphangiomatosis of spleen, fallopian tube and abdominal wall associated with mucinous cystadenoma of the right ovary | 박진영 | J Pediatr Surg Cas Rep |
Kleefstra syndrome combined with vesicoureteral reflux and rectourethral fistulae: a case report and literature review | 박진영 외 8명 | Child Kidney Dis |
Risk factors of trauma-induced thrombotic microangiopathy-like syndrome: A retrospective analysis | 박진영 외2명 | Medicine |
A Comparative Study of Two National Surveys of Anorectal Malformations in the Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons | 박진영 외 42 명 | Adv Pediatr Surg |
Clinical Implication of KRAS Mutation Variants in Patients With Resected Colon Cancer | Baek JH, Kim J, Baek DW, Chang E, Kim HJ, Park SY, Park JS, Choi GS, Kang BW, Kim JG | Cancer Diagn Progn |
Oncologic benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and curative surgery with selective lateral pelvic lymph node dissection: An international retrospective cohort study | Fukui Y, Hida K, Hoshino N, Song SH, Park SY, Choi GS, Maeda Y, Matoba S, Kuroyanagi H, Bae SU, Jeong WK, Baek SK, Sakai Y | Eur J Surg Oncol |
Does laparoscopy increase the risk of peritoneal recurrence after resection for pT4 colon cancer? Results of a propensity score-matched analysis from an international cohort | Pedrazzani C, Kim HJ, Park EJ, Turri G, Zagolin G, Foppa C, Baik SH, Spolverato G, Spinelli A, Choi GS | Eur J Surg Oncol |
Prognostic Value of Mesorectal Lymph Node Micrometastases in ypN0 Rectal Cancer After Chemoradiation | Kang BM, Park JS, Kim HJ, Park SY, Yoon G, Choi GS | J Surg Res |
Feasibility of Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Lymph Node Mapping for Radical Colectomy of Mid-Transverse and Left-Sided Colon Cancer | Park SY, Park JS, Kim HJ, Choi GS | Ann Robot Innov Surg |
Comparison of the Analgesic Efficacy of Opioid-Sparing Multimodal Analgesia and Morphine-Based Patient-Controlled Analgesia in Minimally Invasive Surgery for Colorectal Cancer | Yeo JS, Park JS, Choi GS, Kim HJ, Kim JK, Oh JY, Park SY | World J Surg |
Oncological impact of intraperitoneal chemotherapy after cytoreductive surgery for patients with colorectal peritoneal metastasis: A bi-institutional retrospective analysi | Park SY, Park JS, Kim HJ, Kim JG, Kang BW, Baek JH, Kim HR, Kim CH, Kim YJ, Choi GS | J Surg Oncol |
Prediction of Metachronous Peritoneal Metastases After Radical Surgery for Colon Cancer: A Scoring System Obtained from an International Multicenter Cohort | Pedrazzani C, Turri G, Marrelli D, Kim HJ, Park EJ, Spolverato G, Foppa C, Spinelli A, Pucciarelli S, Baik SH, Choi GS | Ann Surg Oncol |
Clinical implication of adjuvant chemotherapy according to mismatch repair status in patients with intermediate-risk stage II colon cancer: a retrospective study | Kang BW, Baek DW, Chang E, Kim HJ, Park SY, Park JS, Choi GS, Baek JH, Kim JG | J Yeungnam Med Sci |
Stepwise Improvement of Surgical Quality in Robotic Lateral Pelvic Node Dissection: Lessons From 100 Consecutive Patients With Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer | Kim HJ, Choi GS, Park JS, Park SY, Lee SM, Song SH | Dis Colon Rectum |
Laparoscopic vs open surgery for left flexure colon cancer. A propensity score-matched analysis from an international cohort | Pedrazzani C, Turri G, Park SY, Hida K, Fukui Y, Crippa J, Ferrari G, Origi M, Spolverato G, Zuin M, Bae SU, Baek SK, Costanzi A, Maggioni D, Son GM, Scala A, Rockall T, Larson DW, Guglielmi A, Choi GS | Colorectal Dis |
Wall shear stress on vascular smooth muscle cells exerts angiogenic effects on extracranial arteriovenous malformations | Ryu JY, Park TH, Lee JS, Oh EJ, Kim HM, Lee SJ, Lee J, Lee SY, Huh S, Kim JY, IM S, Chung HY | Arch Plast Surg |
Preliminary outcomes of the LifeStream balloon-expandable stentgraft in Zenith Iliac branch device to preserve pelvic circulation: A Korean multicenter study | Yang SS, Kim HK, Kim JY, Lee T, Lee SS, Park HS, Park SC, Park YJ | Asian J Surg |
Elderly kidney transplant recipients have favorable outcomes but increased infection-related mortality | Lim JH, Lee GY, Jeon Y, Jung HY, Choi JY, Cho JH, Park SH, Kim YL, Kim HK, Huh S, Yoo ES, Won DI, Kim CD | Kidney Res Clin Pract |
A multicenter randomized controlled trial of cyanoacrylate closure and surgical stripping for incompetent great saphenous veins | Joh JH, Lee T, Byun SJ, Cho S, Park HS, Yun WS, Yang SS, Kim H, Kim WS, Jung IM | J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord |
Intraoperative microembolic signals during carotid endarterectomy | Kim C, Lee J, Lee SJ, Yun WS | Ann Vasc Surg |
Clinical outcomes of ultrasound-guided thrombin injection for the treatment of iatrogenic pseudoaneurysm | Kim GW, Rho YN, Yun WS | J Surg Ultrasound |
Broken iliac branch device indwelling catheter tip | Yun WS | Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg |
Hypoxia Promotes Angiogenic Effect in Extracranial Arteriovenous Malformation Endothelial Cells | Lee JS, Cho HG, Ryu JY, Oh EJ, Kim HM, Kwak S, Lee SJ, Lee J, Lee SY, Huh S, Kim JY, Chung HY | Int J Mol Sci |
Safety and Efficacy of Bleomycin Slow Infusion Sclerotherapy Using a Syringe Pump for Microcystic and Mixed Lymphatic Malformations | Cha JG, Lee J, Lee SY, Chung HY, Lee SJ, Huh S, Kim JY, Hong J | Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol |
Clinical outcomes of transposed brachial-basilic vein fistula: Tunneling versus elevation | Kim C, Yun WS | J Vasc Access |
Outcomes of Isolated Endarterectomy and Patch angioplasty of the Common Femoral Artery According to the Current Inclusion Criteria for Endovascular Treatment | Park S, Ku T, Hwang D, Yun WS, Kim HK, Huh S | Vasc Specialist Int |
Late Type IIIb Endoleak after Low-Profile Endograft Implantation for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Treated by Hybrid Surgery | Kim Y, Yun WS, Kim HK | Vasc Specialist Int |
나. 학회발표 현황
1 국내학회 발표
발표일자 학회명 제목 발표자 2022-03-03 HBP Surgery Week 2022 Safety and feasibility of laparoscopic liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma located in posterosuperior segments compared to anterolateral segments 한영석 2022-03-03 HBP Surgery Week 2022 Safety and feasibility of laparoscopic liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma located in posterosuperior segments compared to anterolateral segments 한영석 2022-03-04 HBP Surgery Week 2022 Pure laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy with radical cholecystectomy for gallbladder cancer 한자령 2022-03-04 HBP Surgery Week 2022 Laparoscopic anterior sectionectomy 한영석 2022-03-04 HBP Surgery Week 2022 수술 후 시행한 영상 검사 결과의 해석 한자령 2022-03-20 대구경북 VS Fellowship Training Atherectomy device 김형기 2022-03-20 대구경북 VS Fellowship Training PTA balloon, stent, DCB, DES 윤우성 2022-03-20 대구경북 VS Fellowship Training Guidewire, Sheath and Catheter 황덕비 2022-03-24 X-perience web symposium(Zoom) How to extend protection with Xarelto® against recurrent VTE 황덕비 2022-04-15 대한혈관외과학회 춘계학술대회 Peer reviewer의 역할 및 review 잘하기 김형기 2022-04-15 대한혈관외과학회 춘계학술대회 How to respond to peer reviewer 윤우성 2022-04-15 대한혈관외과학회 춘계학술대회 Technical tips for explantation 윤우성 2022-04-15 대한혈관외과학회 춘계학술대회 Femoral endarterectomy with combined infra-inguinal revascularization in multi-level arterial disease 박수현 2022-04-15 대한혈관외과학회 춘계학술대회 Complications and Mid-term Results after Isolated Endarterectomy of the Femoral Bifurcation 박수현 2022-04-15 대한혈관외과학회 춘계학술대회 Clinical outcomes of hypogastric artery interruption during endovascular aneurysm repair 김현주 2022-04-16 대한혈관외과학회 춘계학술대회 Can prosthetic grafts be an alternative option for below knee bypass? 김영혜 2022-05-13 Braco training program Abdominal aortic aneurysm 김형기 2022-05-15 대한외과초음파학회 춘계학술대회 How to avoid overestimation and underestimation of carotid disease 황덕비 2022-05-23 Joint meeting with Kandow hospital Lesion Management with Rotational atherectomy & Pharmacomechanical thrombectomy 김형기 2022-05-23 Joint meeting with Kandow hospital Endovascular treatment with DET solution 윤우성 2022-05-27 대한외과학회 춘계학술대회 Update your knowledge and skills of vascular access surgery for hemodialysis 허승 2022-06-10 2022 CIBEC week Below knee artery dissection and bypass 김형기 2022-06-10 대한혈관외과학회 영남지회 춘계학술대회 Type III endoleak after EVAR 김영혜 2022-06-10 대한혈관외과학회 영남지회 춘계학술대회 Aortic dissection with malperfusion syndrome 박수현 2022-06-10 대한혈관외과학회 영남지회 춘계학술대회 Common hepatic artery aneurysm 김현주 2022-06-13 KPC 지역의료사업 Abdominal aortic aneurysm 김형기 2022-06-18 14th Vascular Ultrasound Symposium Seoul Ultrasound Examination For Lower Extremity Edema 황덕비 2022-06-26 대장항문학회 연수강좌 TME and LLND 박수연 2022-09-16 SMC vascular symposium Surgical revascularization in BTK area 김형기 2022-09-16 SMC vascular symposium CEA in asymptomatic high-grade stenosis 윤우성 2022-09-17 Seoul Aorta Symposium Long-term outcomes with Cook IBD; advantages and limitations 김형기 2022-09-17 Seoul Aorta Symposium Late open surgical repair for failing EVAR: a new indication of open repair? 윤우성 2022-09-24 Vascular and endovascular surgery conference Causes and management of acute arterial thrombosis: Endo vs. Surgery vs. Hybrid 윤우성 2022-09-24 Vascular and endovascular surgery conference Spontaneous iliac artery rupture and Ilio-Iliac Arterio-venous fistula in a young male patient 박수현 2022-10-14 대한혈관외과학회 영남지회 추계학술대회 Complex IVC filter retrieval with the use of dual access technique 김영혜 2022-10-14 대한혈관외과학회 영남지회 추계학술대회 Endoleak after IBD 김현주 2022-10-21 대구경북 정형외과 지회 및 정형외과의사회 추계 연수강좌 (정형외과의사가 알면 좋은) 하지부종 황덕비 2022-10-22 제10차 최소침습췌장수술연구회 Precision vascular anatomy and technical tips for laparoscopic pancreatectomy 권형준 2022-12-03 제4회 한국췌장외과학회 및 대한항암요법 연구회 Joint Sympositum Consideration in surgery after neoadjuvant chemotherapy 권형준 2022-12-19 대한혈관외과학회 영남지회 집담회 Endovascular approach for Aorto-iliac occlusive disease 김영혜 -
2 국제학회 발표
발표일자 학회명 제목 발표자 2022-04-09 대한대장항문학회 제55차 학술대회 Role of surgical dissection of suspicious lateral pelvic nodes but, pathologically negative after preoperative chemoradiation in rectal cancer patients 김혜진 2022-04-09 대한대장항문학회 제55차 학술대회 Preclinical evaluation of the Surgical Assistant Robot for use in minimally invasive abdominal surgery 송승호 2022-04-09 대한대장항문학회 제55차 학술대회 Robotic intersphincteric resection with en bloc prostatectomy for T4b rectal cancer 송승호 2022-04-10 대한대장항문학회 제55차 학술대회 The efficacy of adjuvant oxaliplation chemotherapy for elderly patients with high-risk stage III colon cancer 김혜진 2022-04-10 대한대장항문학회 제55차 학술대회 Comparison of outcomes of two types of intraperitoneal chemotherapy after cytoreductive surgery for colorectal and appendiceal cancer peritoneal metastasis 박수연 2022-04-10 대한대장항문학회 제55차 학술대회 Clinical application of Davinci SP to multivisceral resection in patients with colorectal cancer 송승호 2022-04-10 대한대장항문학회 제55차 학술대회 Clinical experience of adopting anastomotic leakage risk classification in mid/low rectal cancer: Recent 3-year experience at a single referral center 송승호 2022-04-10 대한대장항문학회 제55차 학술대회 Prognostic factors of preoperative imaging for lung metastasis in rectal cancer patients 송승호 2022-04-29 KSERS 2022 Current status and indication robotic surgery in Korea 김혜진 2022-04-29 KSERS 2022 ICG fluorescent image and minimal invasive colorectal surgery 박수연 2022-04-29 KSERS 2022 Preclinical evaluation of the Surgical Assistant Robot for use in minimally invasive abdominal surgery 송승호 2022-04-29 KSERS 2022 Prognostic factors of preoperative imaging for lung metastasis in rectal cancer patients 송승호 2022-04-29 KSERS 2022 Clinical experience of adopting anastomotic leakage risk classification in mid/low rectal cancer: Recent 3-year experience at a single referral center 송승호 2022-04-29 KSERS 2022 Robotic intersphincteric resection with en bloc prostatectomy for T4b rectal cancer 송승호 2022-04-29 KSERS 2022 Clinical application of Davinci SP to multivisceral resection in patients with colorectal cancer 송승호 2022-04-29 KSERS 2022 SP Robotic APR for the treatment of T4b rectal cancer 김혜진 2022-05-13 한국외과로봇수술연구회 춘계학술대회 SP robotic surgery in the treatment of colorectal cancer: More than a fantastic toy? 김혜진 2022-05-14 한국외과로봇수술연구회 춘계학술대회 SP robotic ISR 송승호 2022-06-16 AOS 2022 Prognostic factors of preoperative imaging for lung metastasis in rectal cancer patients 송승호 2022-07-08 BiVascular Symposium Distal bypass is still superior to endovascular treatment in diabetic foot 김형기 2022-07-09 BiVascular Symposium Off-the-shelf devices for endovascular treatment of suprarenal and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm 윤우성 2022-09-02 International Colorectal Research Summit 2022 Palliative Resection while Palliative Chemotherapy 박수연 2022-10-02 ARCCS 2022 SP versus MP robotic rectal surgery 김혜진 2022-10-02 ARCCS 2022 Preliminary results of Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for advanced colon cancer 박수연 2022-10-03 ARCCS 2022 Preclinical evaluation of the Surgical Assistant Robot for use in minimally invasive abdominal surgery 송승호 2022-10-04 ARCCS 2022 Robotic multivisceral resction for T4b rectal cancer 송승호 2022-10-04 ARCCS 2022 The meaning of pathologic negative LPN after preopeative CRT 김혜진 2022-10-08 WCES 2022 Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR): The pendulum between minimal invasiveness vs durability 김형기 2022-11-04 ACKSS 2022 Role of MIS Surgery in the treatment of Stage IV Colorectal Cancer 송승호 2022-11-04 대한외과학회 추계학술대회 Anticoagulation therapy of mesenteric venous thrombosis : Vitamin K antagonist vs. Non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant 김영혜 2022-11-04 대한외과학회 추계학술대회 Long-term outcomes of iliac artery stenting 박수현 2022-11-04 대한외과학회 추계학술대회 Clinical outcomes and risk factor analysis of atherectomy for femoropopliteal occlusive disease 김현주 2022-11-05 ACKSS 2022 Single-port (SP) versus multiport robotic rectal resection for rectal cancer: randomized controlled trial 송승호 2022-11-16 Veith symposium Clinical outcomes of hypogastric artery interruption during endovascular aneurysm repair 윤우성 2022-11-17 Veith symposium Complications and Mid-term Results after Isolated Endarterectomy of the Femoral Bifurcation 박수현 2022-12-01 KDDW 2022 Multidisciplinary approach to colorectal cancer management 송승호 2022-12-02 Vessel update 2022 Tips and Tricks: Use of Cook IBD 윤우성